How to maintain self-care in a busy agenda

Are you one of the many that live a Tetris game? Apart from a fortunate few who can live free of the pressures of work and family, many of [...]


How to maintain self-care in a busy agenda

Are you one of the many that live a Tetris game? Apart from a fortunate few who can live free of the pressures of work and family, many of [...]


Self-Worth Awareness Week


We have a novel way of thinking: that there is an important distinction between self-worth and self-esteem. To date, much of the focus in the coaching and leadership arena [...]

APPARTENERE – la Forza della Comunità


Incontri online con JOAN HALIFAX e FRANK OSTASESKI Mesi di isolamento hanno inasprito una diffusa crisi preesistente, quella della solitudine, che rappresenta una minaccia altrettanto grave per la salute [...]

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