Online MBSR Protocol in Eng – Free Presentation 24 Feb 21

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You can’t sail straight into the wind, and if you only know how to sail with the wind at your back, you will only go where the wind blows you. But if you know how to use the wind’s energy and are patient, you can sometimes get where you want to go. You can still be in control.
(J. Kabat-Zinn,
Full Catastrophe Living)

A new MBSR Protocol is about to start, online!

For more information, please join us for a free presentation on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 at 6.30 pm on Zoom (book your free place by clicking HERE or sending an email to

We will talk about Mindfulness, the MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Protocol, and the relevant applications, and will lead a short practice to support our self-care throughout life’s small and big challenges.

Mindfulness has entered the vocabulary of anybody interested in physical and psychological well-being and is more and more widely applied across several fields – medical, educational, corporate, military and beyond.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a Mindfulness-based programme based on several decades of clinical experience, designed to assist people with pain and a range of stressful conditions. Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the late 1970s by Jon Kabat-Zinn, MBSR uses a combination of Mindfulness meditation, body awareness and yoga to help people become more mindful. In recent years, it has been the subject of controlled clinical research, suggesting it has beneficial effects, including stress reduction, relaxation, and improvements to quality of life.

And here are some practical details:

(adapted from the Center for Mindfulness Website)
Throughout the programme your instructor will create a safe and supportive environment through:
– Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
– Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
– Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life
– Individually tailored instruction
– Daily home assignments
– Home practice audio files and materials


Wednesday, 24 February 2021, 6.30 pm – Orientation/Presentation
 (free, book a placeby clicking HERE or sending an email to
Wednesday 3-10-17-24-31 March (6.30 pm-8.30 pm)
Wednesday 7-14-21 April (6.30 pm-8.30 pm)
Full day: Sunday 18 April (9.30 am-3.30 pm)
Total: about 22 hours together, plus your individual daily practice
Please Note – It is paramount to attend all (or almost all) Classes to make the most of the protocol, as well as committing to daily practice (you will be given recorded tracks)


WHAT do I need?
A yoga mat, a (meditation) cushion, a blanket, comfortable and warm clothes, a notebook and a pen/pencil to take notes.


WHO is it for?
There are no prerequisites whatsoever, but if you have any doubts, please do get in touch!


HOW can I register?
Give me a call (Claudia 347 4194895) for an informal chat, to answer your question and register. You can also send me an email (
 A maximum number of 12 participants will be accepted.


HOW MUCH is it?
220 euros for the whole course (about 22 hours), the audio material and texts in electronic format, individual support from the instructor (Claudia)


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